Wiktionary > Votes
Votes formalize and document the consensus-building process and the decisions that the community makes. This page displays the full contents of recent, current and planned votes. Edit Wiktionary:Votes/Active to add new votes to the “active” list and remove old ones. Finished votes are added to Wiktionary:Votes/Timeline, an organized archive of previous votes and their results, sorted by the vote end date.
Policy and help pages, respectively: Wiktionary:Voting policy (including who is eligible to vote) and Help:Creating a vote.
See also Wiktionary:Votes/ for an automatically generated, less organized list of votes.
Before clicking the “Start a new vote!” button below, change “Title of vote” in the field just above the button to a short descriptive title. Once you have created your vote, add it to the list at Wiktionary:Votes/Active.
{{Wiktionary:Votes/2025-01/Title of vote}} |
{{Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2025-01/Title of vote}} |
Note: add to this page and WT:A. |
Note: add to this page and WT:B. |
Note: add to this page and WT:C. |
{{Wiktionary:Votes/bt-2025-01/User: for bot status}} |
- Other
Admins, please periodically check for orphan votes at Wiktionary:Votes/.
Look for votes and voting templates, including templates for creation of new votes:
Main sections of this page: Current and new votes and Proposed votes. See also /Timeline.
Current and new votes
[සංස්කරණය]Proposed votes
[සංස්කරණය]The following are proposals for new votes, excluding nominations, in cases where the proposer of the vote prefers that the vote is written collaboratively, or where the vote appears to require substantial revision. If you have not created a passing vote yet, it is recommended that you use this section and actively solicit feedback by linking to your proposal in discussion; your vote may have a better chance of passing if it is first reviewed.
Votes may linger here indefinitely. If changes in policy make a proposal irrelevant, the voting page will be requested for deletion. On the other hand, you do not have to be the creator to initiate one of the votes below. Place any votes with a live start date in the section above at least a few days before that start date arrives.
Forthcoming votes:
Votes intended to be written collaboratively or substantially revised: