- Aegean numerals: please add, if you can
- Arabic (Eastern) numerals: ٣٦٥
- Arabic (Western) numerals: 365
- Armenian numerals: ՅԿԵ
- Assamese numerals: please add, if you can
- Balinese numerals: please add, if you can
- Bengali numerals: please add, if you can
- Brahmi numerals: please add, if you can
- Chakma numerals: 𑄹𑄼𑄻
- Cham numerals: ꩓꩖꩕
- Chinese numerals: 參佰陸拾伍/叁佰陆拾伍, 三百六十五
- CJK tally marks: (too many to be displayed)
- Counting rod numerals: 𝍫
- Devanagari numerals: ३६५
- Dhives Akuru numerals: please add, if you can
- Egyptian numerals: please add, if you can
- Ethiopic numerals: ፫፻፷፭
- Garay numerals: please add, if you can
- Gothic numerals: 𐍄𐌾𐌴
- Greek numerals: please add, if you can
- Gujarati numerals: ૩૬૫
- Gurmukhi numerals: ੩੬੫
- Indic Siyaq numerals: please add, if you can
- Hanifi Rohingya numerals: 𐴳𐴶𐴵
- Hebrew numerals: שסה
- Javanese numerals: ꧓꧖꧕
- Kaktovik numerals: please add, if you can
- Kannada numerals: ೩೬೫
- Kawi numerals: please add, if you can
- Kayah Li numerals: ꤃꤆꤅
- Khmer numerals: ៣៦៥
- Khudawadi numerals: 𑋳𑋶𑋵
- Lanna numerals: please add, if you can
- Lao numerals: ໓໖໕
- Lepcha numerals: ᱃᱆᱅
- Limbu numerals: ᥉᥌᥋
- Malayalam numerals: ൩൬൫
- Maya numerals: please add, if you can
- Mende Kikakui numerals: please add, if you can
- Meroitic cursive numerals: please add, if you can
- Meitei numerals: ꯳꯶꯵
- Mongolian numerals: ᠓
- Myanmar numerals: ၃
- N'Ko numerals: ߃
- Ol Chiki numerals: ᱓
- Old Persian numerals: please add, if you can
- Odia numerals: ୩
- Osmanya numerals: 𐒣
- Ottoman Siyaq numerals: please add, if you can
- Pahawh Hmong numerals: please add, if you can
- Persian numerals: ۳
- Roman numerals: please add, if you can
- Saurashtra numerals: ꣓
- Sharada numerals: 𑇓
- Sinhalese numerals: ෩, (archaic) 𑇣
- Sundanese numerals: ᮳
- Takri numerals: 𑛃
- Tally marks: (too many to be displayed)
- Tamil numerals: ௩
- Telugu numerals: ౩
- Thai numerals: ๓๖๕
- Tibetan numerals: ༣
- Tirhuta numerals: 𑓓
- Warang Citi numerals: 𑣣