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Wiktionary වෙතින්

This module offers some utility methods for converting Lua values into JSON values (in UTF-8-encoded Lua strings).

Unfortunately, Lua's data model differs somewhat from JSON's, so it's not possible to write a general function that takes any Lua value and returns a JSON value, always "doing the right thing". Rather, some values cannot be converted at all, and other values have multiple possible non-equivalent representations.

The differences are:

  • Lua has three types with no JSON analogues, namely function, userdata, and thread, so this module has no support for values of those types.
  • Lua's concept of "metatables" has no analogue in JSON, so this module ignores metatables completely.
  • Lua's number type, as implemented in Scribunto, consists of double-precision floating-point values, whereas JSON's number type consists of decimal representations. (And the end-recipient of the JSON data will likely convert the values back into some sort of floating-point notation.) This means that, aside from integers, you can't generally expect values to be converted exactly. (And even with integers, you can only expect perfect conversion in the range ±109 or so.) What's more, it means that Lua has a few numeric values with no JSON analogues at all, namely positive infinity, negative infinity, and "not a number" values; so, this module does not support those values.
  • Lua's string type represents strings of eight-bit bytes, whereas JSON's *string* type represents strings of Unicode characters. This module requires the Lua strings to be valid UTF-8 sequences.
  • Whereas Lua has only a single table type mapping from arbitrary non-nil values to arbitrary non-nil values, JSON has separate array and object types, where an array maps from a set of integers {0,1,…,n} to arbitrary values, and an object maps from arbitrary strings to arbitrary values. As a result, this module [TBD]

(Note: the above is an attempt at an exhaustive list of differences, but it's quite possible that I missed some.)

"https://si.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Module:JSON/documentation&oldid=196384" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි