![]() | මෙම පිටුව ඉංග්රීසි ව්යාපෘතියෙන් මෙහි ගෙනවිත් ඇත. අන්තර්ගතය අපගේ ව්යාපෘතිය සමඟ 100% නොගැලපෙනමුත් අපගේ අවශ්යතාවයන් වලට අනුකූලව ගොඩනගා ගැනීම සඳහා මූලික පියවර ලෙස භාවිතා කළ හැකිය. |
This is an index of appendices covering individual Unicode code blocks. The blocks listed here reflect version 15.0 of the Unicode Standard. For technical reasons, some Unicode “codepoints” are mapped to the same entry. See Appendix:Unicode normalization for fuller details.
This list is generated automatically from data provided by Module:Unicode data. See that module's page for details.
Plane 0: Basic Multilingual Plane
[සංස්කරණය]Plane 1: Supplementary Multilingual Plane
[සංස්කරණය]Start | End | Block name |
U+10000 | U+1007F | Linear B Syllabary |
U+10080 | U+100FF | Linear B Ideograms |
U+10100 | U+1013F | Aegean Numbers |
U+10140 | U+1018F | Ancient Greek Numbers |
U+10190 | U+101CF | Ancient Symbols |
U+101D0 | U+101FF | Phaistos Disc |
U+10280 | U+1029F | Lycian |
U+102A0 | U+102DF | Carian |
U+102E0 | U+102FF | Coptic Epact Numbers |
U+10300 | U+1032F | Old Italic |
U+10330 | U+1034F | Gothic |
U+10350 | U+1037F | Old Permic |
U+10380 | U+1039F | Ugaritic |
U+103A0 | U+103DF | Old Persian |
U+10400 | U+1044F | Deseret |
U+10450 | U+1047F | Shavian |
U+10480 | U+104AF | Osmanya |
U+104B0 | U+104FF | Osage |
U+10500 | U+1052F | Elbasan |
U+10530 | U+1056F | Caucasian Albanian |
U+10570 | U+105BF | Vithkuqi |
U+105C0 | U+105FF | Todhri |
U+10600 | U+1077F | Linear A |
U+10780 | U+107BF | Latin Extended-F |
U+10800 | U+1083F | Cypriot Syllabary |
U+10840 | U+1085F | Imperial Aramaic |
U+10860 | U+1087F | Palmyrene |
U+10880 | U+108AF | Nabataean |
U+108E0 | U+108FF | Hatran |
U+10900 | U+1091F | Phoenician |
U+10920 | U+1093F | Lydian |
U+10980 | U+1099F | Meroitic Hieroglyphs |
U+109A0 | U+109FF | Meroitic Cursive |
U+10A00 | U+10A5F | Kharoshthi |
U+10A60 | U+10A7F | Old South Arabian |
U+10A80 | U+10A9F | Old North Arabian |
U+10AC0 | U+10AFF | Manichaean |
U+10B00 | U+10B3F | Avestan |
U+10B40 | U+10B5F | Inscriptional Parthian |
U+10B60 | U+10B7F | Inscriptional Pahlavi |
U+10B80 | U+10BAF | Psalter Pahlavi |
U+10C00 | U+10C4F | Old Turkic |
U+10C80 | U+10CFF | Old Hungarian |
U+10D00 | U+10D3F | Hanifi Rohingya |
U+10D40 | U+10D8F | Garay |
U+10E60 | U+10E7F | Rumi Numeral Symbols |
U+10E80 | U+10EBF | Yezidi |
U+10EC0 | U+10EFF | Arabic Extended-C |
U+10F00 | U+10F2F | Old Sogdian |
U+10F30 | U+10F6F | Sogdian |
U+10F70 | U+10FAF | Old Uyghur |
U+10FB0 | U+10FDF | Chorasmian |
U+10FE0 | U+10FFF | Elymaic |
U+11000 | U+1107F | Brahmi |
U+11080 | U+110CF | Kaithi |
U+110D0 | U+110FF | Sora Sompeng |
U+11100 | U+1114F | Chakma |
U+11150 | U+1117F | Mahajani |
U+11180 | U+111DF | Sharada |
U+111E0 | U+111FF | Sinhala Archaic Numbers |
U+11200 | U+1124F | Khojki |
U+11280 | U+112AF | Multani |
U+112B0 | U+112FF | Khudawadi |
U+11300 | U+1137F | Grantha |
U+11380 | U+113FF | Tulu-Tigalari |
U+11400 | U+1147F | Newa |
U+11480 | U+114DF | Tirhuta |
U+11580 | U+115FF | Siddham |
U+11600 | U+1165F | Modi |
U+11660 | U+1167F | Mongolian Supplement |
U+11680 | U+116CF | Takri |
U+116D0 | U+116FF | Myanmar Extended-C |
U+11700 | U+1174F | Ahom |
U+11800 | U+1184F | Dogra |
U+118A0 | U+118FF | Warang Citi |
U+11900 | U+1195F | Dives Akuru |
U+119A0 | U+119FF | Nandinagari |
U+11A00 | U+11A4F | Zanabazar Square |
U+11A50 | U+11AAF | Soyombo |
U+11AB0 | U+11ABF | Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A |
U+11AC0 | U+11AFF | Pau Cin Hau |
U+11B00 | U+11B5F | Devanagari Extended-A |
U+11BC0 | U+11BFF | Sunuwar |
U+11C00 | U+11C6F | Bhaiksuki |
U+11C70 | U+11CBF | Marchen |
U+11D00 | U+11D5F | Masaram Gondi |
U+11D60 | U+11DAF | Gunjala Gondi |
U+11EE0 | U+11EFF | Makasar |
U+11F00 | U+11F5F | Kawi |
U+11FB0 | U+11FBF | Lisu Supplement |
U+11FC0 | U+11FFF | Tamil Supplement |
U+12000 | U+123FF | Cuneiform |
U+12400 | U+1247F | Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation |
U+12480 | U+1254F | Early Dynastic Cuneiform |
U+12F90 | U+12FFF | Cypro-Minoan |
U+13000 | U+1342F | Egyptian Hieroglyphs |
U+13430 | U+1345F | Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls |
U+13460 | U+143FF | Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A |
U+14400 | U+1467F | Anatolian Hieroglyphs |
U+16100 | U+1613F | Gurung Khema |
U+16800 | U+16A3F | Bamum Supplement |
U+16A40 | U+16A6F | Mro |
U+16A70 | U+16ACF | Tangsa |
U+16AD0 | U+16AFF | Bassa Vah |
U+16B00 | U+16B8F | Pahawh Hmong |
U+16D40 | U+16D7F | Kirat Rai |
U+16E40 | U+16E9F | Medefaidrin |
U+16F00 | U+16F9F | Miao |
U+16FE0 | U+16FFF | Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation |
U+17000 | U+187FF | Tangut |
U+18800 | U+18AFF | Tangut Components |
U+18B00 | U+18CFF | Khitan Small Script |
U+18D00 | U+18D7F | Tangut Supplement |
U+1AFF0 | U+1AFFF | Kana Extended-B |
U+1B000 | U+1B0FF | Kana Supplement |
U+1B100 | U+1B12F | Kana Extended-A |
U+1B130 | U+1B16F | Small Kana Extension |
U+1B170 | U+1B2FF | Nushu |
U+1BC00 | U+1BC9F | Duployan |
U+1BCA0 | U+1BCAF | Shorthand Format Controls |
U+1CC00 | U+1CEBF | Symbols for Legacy Computing Supplement |
U+1CF00 | U+1CFCF | Znamenny Musical Notation |
U+1D000 | U+1D0FF | Byzantine Musical Symbols |
U+1D100 | U+1D1FF | Musical Symbols |
U+1D200 | U+1D24F | Ancient Greek Musical Notation |
U+1D2C0 | U+1D2DF | Kaktovik Numerals |
U+1D2E0 | U+1D2FF | Mayan Numerals |
U+1D300 | U+1D35F | Tai Xuan Jing Symbols |
U+1D360 | U+1D37F | Counting Rod Numerals |
U+1D400 | U+1D7FF | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols |
U+1D800 | U+1DAAF | Sutton SignWriting |
U+1DF00 | U+1DFFF | Latin Extended-G |
U+1E000 | U+1E02F | Glagolitic Supplement |
U+1E030 | U+1E08F | Cyrillic Extended-D |
U+1E100 | U+1E14F | Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong |
U+1E290 | U+1E2BF | Toto |
U+1E2C0 | U+1E2FF | Wancho |
U+1E4D0 | U+1E4FF | Nag Mundari |
U+1E5D0 | U+1E5FF | Ol Onal |
U+1E7E0 | U+1E7FF | Ethiopic Extended-B |
U+1E800 | U+1E8DF | Mende Kikakui |
U+1E900 | U+1E95F | Adlam |
U+1EC70 | U+1ECBF | Indic Siyaq Numbers |
U+1ED00 | U+1ED4F | Ottoman Siyaq Numbers |
U+1EE00 | U+1EEFF | Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols |
U+1F000 | U+1F02F | Mahjong Tiles |
U+1F030 | U+1F09F | Domino Tiles |
U+1F0A0 | U+1F0FF | Playing Cards |
U+1F100 | U+1F1FF | Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement |
U+1F200 | U+1F2FF | Enclosed Ideographic Supplement |
U+1F300 | U+1F5FF | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
U+1F600 | U+1F64F | Emoticons |
U+1F650 | U+1F67F | Ornamental Dingbats |
U+1F680 | U+1F6FF | Transport and Map Symbols |
U+1F700 | U+1F77F | Alchemical Symbols |
U+1F780 | U+1F7FF | Geometric Shapes Extended |
U+1F800 | U+1F8FF | Supplemental Arrows-C |
U+1F900 | U+1F9FF | Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs |
U+1FA00 | U+1FA6F | Chess Symbols |
U+1FA70 | U+1FAFF | Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A |
U+1FB00 | U+1FBFF | Symbols for Legacy Computing |
Plane 2: Supplementary Ideographic Plane
[සංස්කරණය]Start | End | Block name |
U+20000 | U+2A6DF | CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B |
U+2A700 | U+2B73F | CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C |
U+2B740 | U+2B81F | CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D |
U+2B820 | U+2CEAF | CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E |
U+2CEB0 | U+2EBEF | CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F |
U+2EBF0 | U+2EE5F | CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I |
U+2F800 | U+2FA1F | CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement |
Plane 3: Tertiary Ideographic Plane
[සංස්කරණය]Start | End | Block name |
U+30000 | U+3134F | CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G |
U+31350 | U+323AF | CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H |
Other planes
[සංස්කරණය]Start | End | Block name |
U+E0000 | U+E007F | Tags |
U+E0100 | U+E01EF | Variation Selectors Supplement |
U+F0000 | U+FFFFF | Supplementary Private Use Area-A |
U+100000 | U+10FFFF | Supplementary Private Use Area-B |