- පහත දැක්වෙන උපදෙස්, Module:Sandbox/2/documentation හි පිහිටා ඇත. Module:Sandbox/2/documentation]]. [සංස්කරණය]
- ප්රයෝජනවත් සබැඳි: root page • root page’s subpages • සබැඳි • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
local export = {}
local conj = {}
local pron = {}
local data = {}
local m_core = require("Module:Sandbox")
local m_pron = require("Module:fr-verb/pron")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("fr")
local IPA = function(str)
return require("Module:IPA").format_IPA(nil,str)
local pron = function(str,combining)
return require("Module:fr-pron").show(str,nil,combining)
PAGENAME = PAGENAME or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local etre = {
"entrer", "rentrer",
"naitre", "naître", "renaitre", "renaître",
"tomber", "retomber",
"venir", "advenir", "bienvenir", "devenir", "intervenir", "parvenir", "provenir", "redevenir", "revenir", "survenir"
for _,key in ipairs(etre) do
etre[key] = true
local avoir_or_etre = {
"abdiquer", "abonnir","absconder","abuser","abâtardir","accommoder","acculturer","adapter","adhærer","admirer","aguerrir","aider","aliter","alourdir","alphabétiser","amerrir","anémier","apparenter","aspirer","attrouper","ausculter",
for _,key in ipairs(avoir_or_etre) do
avoir_or_etre[key] = true
local alias = {
["connaitre"] = "aitre",
["connaître"] = "aître",
local ir_s = {
"dormir", "partir", "mentir", "sentir", "sortir", "servir", "repartir", "endormir", "repentir", "consentir", "rendormir", "démentir", "resservir", "ressentir", "ressortir", "rebouillir", "pressentir", "desservir", "redormir", "départir"
for _,key in ipairs(ir_s) do
ir_s[key] = true
local function link(term, alt)
return "''" .. m_links.language_link(term, alt, lang) .. "''"
conj["er"] = function()
if data.stem == "all" then
data.stem = ""
data.forms.inf = "aller"
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "e")
local stem2 = pron(data.stem .. "i")
stem2 = mw.ustring.gsub(stem2,".$","")
data =, stem,stem2)
conj["ier"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "i")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "i")
local stem2 = pron(data.stem .. "ier")
stem2 = mw.ustring.gsub(stem2,".$","")
data =, stem, stem2)
data.prons.ind_i_1p = stem .. ".jɔ̃"
data.prons.ind_i_2p = stem .. ".je"
data.prons.sub_p_1p = stem .. ".jɔ̃"
data.prons.sub_p_2p = stem .. ".je"
conj["iller"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "ill")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "il")
local stem2 = pron(data.stem .. "iller")
stem2 = mw.ustring.gsub(stem2,".$","")
data =, stem, stem2)
conj["uer"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "u")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "ue")
local stem2 = pron(data.stem .. "uer")
stem2 = mw.ustring.gsub(stem2,".$","")
data =, stem, stem2)
data.prons.ind_i_1p = stem .. ".jɔ̃"
data.prons.ind_i_2p = stem .. ".je"
data.prons.sub_p_1p = stem .. ".jɔ̃"
data.prons.sub_p_2p = stem .. ".je"
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".")
conj["éer"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "é")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "é")
data =, stem, stem..".")
data.prons.ind_i_1p = stem .. "j.jɔ̃"
data.prons.ind_i_2p = stem .. ""
data.prons.sub_p_1p = stem .. "j.jɔ̃"
data.prons.sub_p_2p = stem .. ""
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem..".")
conj["cer"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "c", "ç")
data.notes = "* This verb is part of a group of " .. link("-er") .. " verbs for which ‘c’ is softened to a ‘ç’ before the vowels ‘a’ and ‘o’."
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "ce")
local stem2 = pron(data.stem .. "ci")
stem2 = mw.ustring.gsub(stem2,".$","")
data =, stem, stem2)
conj["ger"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "g", "ge")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "ge")
local stem2 = pron(data.stem .. "gi")
stem2 = mw.ustring.gsub(stem2,".$","")
data =, stem, stem2)
conj["ayer"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "ay/ai", "ay", "ay")
local root = pron(data.stem .. "a")
root = mw.ustring.gsub(root,".$","")
local stem = root .. "ɛ"
local stem2 = root .. "ɛj"
local stem3 = root .. "e.j"
local stem4 = root .. "ej."
local stem5 = root .. "e"
data.prons.ppr = stem3 .. "ɑ̃"
data.prons.pp = stem3 .. "e"
data =, stem2 .. "/" .. stem, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem3 .. "ə./" .. stem5 .. ".")
conj["eyer"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "ey")
local root = pron(data.stem .. "i")
root = mw.ustring.gsub(root,".$","")
local stem = root .. "ɛj"
local stem2 = root .. "e.j"
local stem3 = root .. "ej"
data =, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem3 .. ".")
conj["yer"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "i", "y", "y")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "i")
data =, stem, stem..".j")
conj["xxer"] = function(consonant)
data.notes = "*With the exception of " .. (stem == "appel" and "''appeler''" or link("appeler")) .. ", "
data.notes = data.notes .. (stem == "jet" and "''jeter''" or link("jeter")) .. " and their derived verbs, "
data.notes = data.notes .. "all verbs that used to double the consonants can also now be conjugated like " .. link("amener") .. "."
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, consonant..consonant, consonant, consonant)
data.category = "xxer"
local root = pron(data.stem .. consonant .. consonant .. "e")
local root2 = pron(data.stem .. consonant .. "i")
root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(root2,".$","")
data =, root, root2)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, root .. ".")
data.category = "e-er"
conj["e-er"] = function(consonant)
local stem = 'e' .. consonant
local stem2 = 'è' .. consonant
data.notes = "* This verb is conjugated mostly like the regular " .. link("-er") .. " verbs (" .. link("parler") .. " and " .. link("chanter") .. " and so on), "
data.notes = data.notes .. "but the ''-e-'' " .. IPA("/ə/") .. " of the second-to-last syllable becomes ''-è-'' " .. IPA("/ɛ/") .. " when the next vowel is a silent or schwa ''-e-''. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "For example, in the third-person singular present indicative, we have ''il {stem}" .. stem2 .. "e'' rather than *''il {stem}" .. stem .. "e''. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Other verbs conjugated this way include " .. link(stem == "lev" and "acheter" or "lever") .. " and " .. link(stem == "men" and "acheter" or "mener") .. ". "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Related but distinct conjugations include those of " .. link("appeler") .. " and " .. link("préférer") .. "."
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, stem2, stem, stem)
local root = pron(data.stem .. stem2 .. "e")
local root2 = pron(data.stem .. stem .. "i")
root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(root2,".$","")
data =, root, root2)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, root .. ".")
data.category = "e-er"
conj["ecer"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "èc", "eç", "ec")
local root = pron(data.stem .. "èce")
local root2 = pron(data.stem .. "eci")
root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(root2,".$","")
data =, root, root2)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, root .. ".")
data.category = "e-er"
conj["eger"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "èg", "ege", "eg")
local root = pron(data.stem .. "ège")
local root2 = pron(data.stem .. "egi")
root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(root2,".$","")
data =, root, root2)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, root .. ".")
data.category = "e-er"
conj["é-er"] = function(consonant)
local stem = 'é' .. consonant
local stem2 = 'è' .. consonant
data.notes = "* This verb is conjugated like "
if data.stem .. stem == "céd" then
data.notes = data.notes .. link("espérer")
data.notes = data.notes .. link("céder")
data.notes = data.notes .. ". It is a regular " .. link("-er") .. " verb, "
data.notes = data.notes .. "except that its last stem vowel alternates between " .. IPA("/e/") .. " (written ‘é’) and "
data.notes = data.notes .. IPA("/ɛ/") .. " (written ‘è’), with the latter being used before mute ‘e’.\n"
data.notes = data.notes .. "* One special case is the future stem, used in the future and the conditional. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Before 1990, the future stem of such verbs was written ''{stem}" .. stem .. "er-'', "
data.notes = data.notes .. "reflecting the historic pronunciation " .. IPA("/e/") .. ". "
data.notes = data.notes .. "In 1990, the French Academy recommended that it be written ''{stem}" .. stem2 .. "er-'', "
data.notes = data.notes .. "reflecting the now common pronunciation " .. IPA("/ɛ/") .. ", "
data.notes = data.notes .. "thereby making this distinction consistent throughout the conjugation "
data.notes = data.notes .. "(and also matching in this regard the conjugations of verbs like " .. link("lever") .. " and " .. link("jeter") .. "). "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Both spellings are in use today, and both are therefore given here."
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, stem2, stem, stem)
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, {stem2 .. "er", stem .. "er"})
local root = pron(data.stem .. stem2 .. "e")
local root2 = pron(data.stem .. stem .. "i")
root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(root2,".$","")
data =, root,root2)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, root .. ".")
data.category = "é-er"
conj["écer"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "èc", "éç", "éc")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, {"écer", "ècer"})
local root = pron(data.stem .. "èce")
local root2 = pron(data.stem .. "éci")
root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(root2,".$","")
data =, root, root2)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, root .. ".")
data.category = "é-er"
conj["éger"] = function()
data.notes = "* This verb is conjugated like "
if data.stem == "prot" then
data.notes = data.notes .. link("assiéger")
data.notes = data.notes .. link("protéger")
data.notes = data.notes .. ". It has both the spelling irregularities of other verbs in ''-ger'' (such as " .. link("manger") .. ", "
data.notes = data.notes .. "where a silent ‘e’ is inserted before ‘a’ and ‘o’ endings (to indicate the " .. IPA("/ʒ/") .. " sound), "
data.notes = data.notes .. "and the spelling and pronunciation irregularities of other verbs in ''-é-er'' (such as " .. link("céder") .. "), "
data.notes = data.notes .. "where the last stem vowel alternates between " .. IPA("/e/") .. " (written ‘é’) and " .. IPA("/ɛ/") .. " (written ‘è’)."
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "èg", "ége", "ég")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, {"éger", "èger"})
local root = pron(data.stem .. "ège")
local root2 = pron(data.stem .. "égi")
root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(root2,".$","")
data =, root, root2)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, root .. ".")
data.category = "é-er"
conj["ir"] = function()
local ending = mw.ustring.sub(data.stem, -1, -1)
if ir_s[data.stem.."ir"] then
data.stem = mw.ustring.sub(data.stem, 1, -2)
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "", ending)
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, ending.."ir")
data.notes = "* This is one of a fairly large group of irregular " .. link("-ir") .. " verbs that are all conjugated the same way. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Other members of this group include "
if data.stem..ending.."ir" == "sortir" then
data.notes = data.notes .. link("partir")
data.notes = data.notes .. link("sortir")
data.notes = data.notes .. " and "
if data.stem..ending.."ir" == "dormir" then
data.notes = data.notes .. link("servir")
data.notes = data.notes .. link("dormir")
data.notes = data.notes .. ". The most significant difference between these verbs' conjugation and that of the regular ''-ir'' verbs is that "
data.notes = data.notes .. "these verbs' conjugation does not use the infix " .. link("-iss-") .. ". "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Further, this conjugation has the forms " .. link("{stem}s", "(je, tu) {stem}s") .. " and " .. link("{stem}t", "(il) {stem}t") .. " "
data.notes = data.notes .. "in the present indicative and imperative, whereas a regular ''-ir'' verb would have ''*{stem}" .. ending .. "is'' and ''*{stem}" .. ending .. "it'' (as in the past historic)."
data.forms.inf = ending .. "ir"
ending = ""
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "i", "iss")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, ending.."i")
local stem, stem2, stem3, stem4
if ir_s[data.stem..ending.."ir"] then
stem = pron(data.stem, true)
stem2 = stem .. "." .. ending
stem3 = stem .. ending
stem4 = stem .. "." .. ending .. "i"
stem = pron(data.stem .. "i")
stem2 = stem .. ".s"
stem3 = stem .. "s"
stem4 = stem
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4 .. ".")
conj["ïr"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "ï", "ïss")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "ï")
local stem, stem2, stem3, stem4
stem = pron(data.stem .. "ï")
stem2 = stem .. ".s"
stem3 = stem .. "s"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".")
conj["haïr"] = function()
data.notes = "* This verb is spelled as if conjugated like " .. link("finir") .. ", but has a [[diaeresis]] throughout its conjugation "
data.notes = data.notes .. "(including where the circumflex would normally be used) except in the singular indicative present, "
data.notes = data.notes .. "whose forms are pronounced " .. IPA("/ɛ/") .. " in Standard French instead of " .. IPA("/ai/") .. ", "
data.notes = data.notes .. "a pronunciation nonetheless often found in informal speech."
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "hai", "haïss")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "haï")
local stem, stem2, stem3, stem4
stem = pron(data.stem .. "haï")
stem2 = stem .. ".s"
stem3 = stem .. "s"
stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "hais")
data.prons.ppr = stem2 .. "ɑ̃"
data.prons.pp = stem
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem4, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".")
conj["ouïr"] = function()
data.notes = "*The forms beginning with ''oi-'', ''oy-'', or ''orr-'' are archaic."
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "ouï/oi", "ouïss/oy", "ouïss/oi")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "ouï")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "ouïr/oir/orr")
local stem11 = pron(data.stem .. "oui")
local stem12 = stem11 .. ".s"
local stem13 = stem11 .. "s"
local stem21 = pron(data.stem .. "oi")
local stem22 = pron(data.stem .. "ɔ") .. ".j"
local stem31 = pron(data.stem .. "ɔ")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem11.."/"..stem21, stem12.."/"..stem22, stem13.."/"..stem21)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem11)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem11.."./"..stem21.."./"..stem31..".")
conj["asseoir"] = function()
data.notes = "* The verb " .. link("asseoir") .. " (and its derivative " .. link("rasseoir") .. ") has at least 4 distinct conjugations. "
data.notes = data.notes .. 'Two ("-oi-" and "-e-") are global and of variable frequencies depending on register and region, '
data.notes = data.notes .. 'and two ("-eye-" and "-ir") are found only in dialectal, informal or slang-y usage, though they were once more widespread in the general language. '
data.notes = data.notes .. "The forms in -oi- are more common for figurative meanings, although forms in -oy- are rare in literary usage.\n"
data.notes = data.notes .. "*The -e- is (a very unusual feature) not normally present in the future, though sometimes it is inserted. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "This was the reason why it was recommended to write the infinitive without it."
data.notes = data.notes .. "*The -eye- conjugation affects only the future and conditional, where the verb is conjugated like " .. link("aimer") .. ", "
data.notes = data.notes .. "as if its infinitive were ''*{stem}asseyer''."
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "assoi/assied/assi", "assoy/assey/assis", "assoi/assey/assis")
data.forms.ind_p_3s[2] = "assied"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "assi")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "assoir/assiér/assir")
local stem11 = pron(data.stem .. "assoi")
local stem12 = stem11 .. ".j"
local stem13 = stem11 .. "j"
local stem21 = pron(data.stem .. "assié")
local stem22 = pron(data.stem .. "assei") .. ".j"
local stem23 = pron(data.stem .. "asseye")
local stem31 = pron(data.stem .. "assi")
local stem32 = stem11 .. ".z"
local stem33 = stem11 .. "z"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem11.."/"..stem21.."/"..stem31, stem12.."/"..stem22.."/"..stem32, stem13.."/"..stem23.."/"..stem33)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data,stem31)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem11.."./"..stem21.."./"..stem31..".")
conj["surseoir"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "sursis"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "sursoi", "sursoy", "sursoi")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "sursi")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "sursoi")
local stem2 = stem .. ".j"
local stem3 = pron(data.stem .. "sursi")
local stem4 = stem .. "."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["seoir"] = function()
data.notes = "* This is a defective verb, only conjugated in the third person"
data.forms.ppr = {"séant","seyant"}
data.forms.pp = "—"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "—")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "—")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "—")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "sied"
data.forms.ind_p_3p = "siéent"
data.forms.ind_i_3s = "seyait"
data.forms.ind_i_3p = "seyaient"
data.forms.ind_f_3s = "siéra"
data.forms.ind_f_3p = "siéront"
data.forms.cond_p_3s = "siérait"
data.forms.cond_p_3p = "siéraient"
data.forms.sub_p_3s = "siée"
data.forms.sub_p_3p = "siéent"
data.prons.ppr = {"se.ɑ̃","sɛ.jɑ̃"}
data.prons.ind_p_3s = "sje"
data.prons.ind_p_3p = "sje"
data.prons.ind_i_3s = "sɛ.jɛ"
data.prons.ind_i_3p = "sɛ.jɛ"
data.prons.ind_f_3s = "sje.ʁa"
data.prons.ind_f_3p = "sje.ʁɔ̃"
data.prons.cond_p_3s = "sje.ʁɛ"
data.prons.cond_p_3p = "sje.ʁɛ"
data.prons.sub_p_3s = "sje"
data.prons.sub_p_3p = "sje"
conj["bouillir"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "bou", "bouill")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "bouilli")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "bou", true)
local stem2 = stem .. ".j"
local stem3 = stem .. "j"
local stem4 = stem .. ".ji"
local stem5 = stem .. ".ji."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem5)
conj["enir"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "enu"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "ien", "en", "ienn")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "in")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "iendr")
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "é"), "e$", "")
local stem = root .. "jɛ̃"
local stem2 = root .. "ə.n"
local stem3 = root .. "jɛ̃n"
local stem4 = root .. "ɛ̃"
local stem5 = root .. "jɛ̃.d"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem5)
data.prons.pp = stem2 .. "y"
conj["rir"] = function()
data.notes = "* This verb is conjugated like " .. link(data.stem == "ouv" and "couvrir" or "ouvrir")
data.notes = data.notes .. " and " .. link(data.stem == "off" and "souffrir" or "offrir") .. ". "
data.notes = data.notes .. "It is conjugated like a regular " .. link("-er") .. " verb in the present and imperfect indicative, present subjunctive, "
data.notes = data.notes .. "imperative, and present participle; it is conjugated like a regular " .. link("-ir") .. " verb in the infinitive, "
data.notes = data.notes .. "future indicative, conditional, past historic, and imperfect subjunctive; "
data.notes = data.notes .. "and its past participle " .. link("{stem}ert") .. " is irregular."
data.forms.pp = "ert"
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "r")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "ri")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "rir")
local root = pron(data.stem, true)
local root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem.."a", true),"a$","")
local stem = root .. "ʁ"
local stem2 = root2 .. "ʁ"
local stem3 = root2 .. "ʁi"
local stem4 = root2 .. "ʁi."
data.prons.pp = root2 .. "ɛʁ"
data =, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["quérir"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "quis"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "quier", "quér", "quièr")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "qui")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "querr")
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "qué"), "e$", "")
local stem = root .. "jɛʁ"
local stem2 = root .. "e.ʁ"
local stem3 = root .. "i"
local stem4 = root .. "ɛ."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["aillir"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "aill")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "ailli")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "aillir")
local root = pron(data.stem .. "a")
local stem = root .. "j"
local stem2 = root .. ".j"
local stem3 = root .. ".ji"
local stem4 = root .. ".ji."
data =, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["chauvir"] = function()
data.notes = "* The forms without -iss- are recommended by the [[w:Académie française|French Academy]], although their usage is not wide spread."
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "chauvi", "chauv/chauviss")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "chauvi")
local root = pron(data.stem .. "chau")
local stem = root .. ".vi"
local stem2 = root .. ".v"
local stem22 = root .. ".vi.s"
local stem3 = root .. "v"
local stem32 = root .. ".vis"
local stem4 = root .. ".vi."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2.."/"..stem22, stem3.."/"..stem32)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["choir"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "choi","choy","choi")
data = m_core.make_ind_i(data, "—")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "chu")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "choi")
local stem2 = stem .. ".j"
local stem3 = pron(data.stem .. "chu")
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "chè")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. "./" .. stem4 .. ".")
if data.stem == "" then
data.notes = "* This is a [[defective]] verb, only conjugated in certain tenses."
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "choir/cherr")
data = m_core.make_cond_p(data, "choir")
data = m_pron.cond_p(data, stem)
data = m_core.make_sub_p(data, "—")
data = m_core.make_sub_pa(data, "—")
data.forms.sub_pa_3s = "chût"
elseif data.stem == "dé" then
data.notes = "* This verb is [[defective]] in that it is not conjugated in certain tenses. It has no indicative imperfect form, imperative form and no present participle."
data.forms.ind_p_3s = {"choit","chet"}
data.prons.ind_p_3s = {stem,stem4}
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "choir/cherr")
elseif data.stem == "é" then
data.notes = "* This verb is defective and is only conjugated in the third-person."
data.forms.ppr = "chéant"
data.prons.ppr = "e.ʃe.jɑ̃"
data = m_core.make_ind_i(data, "choy")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "choir")
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".")
for key,val in pairs(data.forms) do
if mw.ustring.match(key,'[12]') then data.forms[key] = "—" end
data.forms.ind_p_3s = {"choit","chet"}
data.prons.ind_p_3s = {stem,stem4}
data.forms.ind_p_3p = {"choient","chettent"}
data.prons.ind_p_3p = {stem,stem4}
conj["cueillir"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "cueill")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "cueilli")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "cueiller")
data.forms.pp = "cueilli"
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "cueille"),"j$","")
local stem = root .. "j"
local stem2 = root .. ".j"
local stem3 = root .. ".ji"
local stem4 = root .. ".ji."
data =, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["courir"] = function()
data.notes = "This verb is conjugated like other regular " .. link("-ir") .. " verbs, "
data.notes = data.notes .. "except that in the conditional and future tenses an extra ‘r’ is added to the end of the stem. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "All verb ending in ''-courir'' are conjugated this way."
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "cour")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "couru")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "courr")
data.forms.pp = "couru"
local root = pron(data.stem .. "cou")
local stem = root .. "ʁ"
local stem2 = root .. ".ʁ"
local stem3 = root .. ".ʁy"
local stem4 = root .. "."
data =, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["falloir"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "—")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "—")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "—")
data.notes = "* This verb is defective, only conjugated in the third-person singular."
data.forms.pp = "fallu"
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "faut"
data.forms.ind_i_3s = "fallait"
data.forms.ind_ps_3s = "fallut"
data.forms.ind_f_3s = "faudra"
data.forms.cond_p_3s = "faudrait"
data.forms.sub_p_3s = "faille"
data.forms.sub_pa_3s = "fallût"
data.prons.pp = ""
data.prons.ind_p_3s = "fo"
data.prons.ind_i_3s = "fa.lɛ"
data.prons.ind_ps_3s = ""
data.prons.ind_f_3s = "fo.dʁa"
data.prons.cond_p_3s = "fo.dʁɛ"
data.prons.sub_p_3s = "faj"
data.prons.sub_pa_3s = ""
conj["férir"] = function()
data.notes = "This verb is defective and is virtually never conjugated in Modern French, except in a few citation or as a mark of extreme archaism. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Most usages stem from variations on " .. link("sans coup férir") .. "."
data.forms.pp = "féru"
data.prons.pp = "fe.ʁy"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "—")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "—")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "—")
conj["re"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "u"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = ""
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "i")
local stem = pron(data.stem)
local stem2 = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "a"),"a$","")
local stem3 = pron(data.stem, true)
local stem4 = stem2 .. "i"
data.prons.pp = stem2 .. "y"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["cre"] = function()
data.notes = "* This verb "
if data.stem ~= "vain" then
data.notes = data.notes .. "is conjugated like " .. link("vaincre") .. ". That means it "
data.notes = data.notes .. "is conjugated like " .. link("vendre") .. ", except that its usual stem ''{stem}qu-'' becomes ''{stem}c-'' when either there is no ending, "
data.notes = data.notes .. "or the ending starts with ''-u-'' or a written consonant. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Additionally, when inverted the third person singular in the present adds the infix " .. link("t","-t-") .. ": ''{stem}c-t-il?'' "
data.notes = data.notes .. "These are strictly spelling changes; pronunciation-wise, the verb is conjugated exactly like " .. link("vendre") .. "."
data.forms.pp = "cu"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "c", "qu")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "c"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "qui")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "c")
local stem2 = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "ca"),"a$","")
local stem3 = pron(data.stem .. "c", true)
local stem4 = stem2 .. "i"
data.prons.pp = stem2 .. "y"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["crire"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "cri", "criv")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "crivi")
data.forms.pp = "crit"
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "cri")
local stem2 = stem .. ".v"
local stem3 = stem .. "v"
local stem4 = stem .. ".vi"
data.prons.pp = stem
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".")
conj["uire"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "uit"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "ui", "uis")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "uisi")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "ui")
local stem2 = stem .. ".z"
local stem3 = stem .. "z"
local stem4 = stem .. ".zi"
data.prons.pp = stem
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".")
conj["aître"] = function()
data.notes = "*This verb is one of a fairly small group of " .. link("-re") .. " verbs, that are all conjugated the same way. They are unlike other verb groups in that the ‘i’ is given a circumflex before a ‘t’."
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "ai", "aiss")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "aît"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "u")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "aîtr")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "ais")
local stem2 = stem .. ".s"
local stem3 = stem .. "s"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "u")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".t")
conj["aitre"] = function()
data.notes = "*This verb is one of a fairly small group of " .. link("-re") .. " verbs, that are all conjugated the same way. They are conjugated the same as the alternative spelling, which has a [[circumflex]] over the ‘i’, except that the circumflex is dropped here."
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "ai", "aiss")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "u")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "aitr")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "ais")
local stem2 = stem .. ".s"
local stem3 = stem .. "s"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "u")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".t")
conj["oître"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "oi", "oiss")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "oît"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "u")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "oi")
local stem2 = stem .. ".s"
local stem3 = stem .. "s"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "u")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".t")
conj["indre"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "int"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "in", "ign")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "igni")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "indr")
local root = pron(data.stem .. "in")
local root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "ine"), "n$", "")
local stem = root
local stem2 = root2 .. ".ɲ"
local stem3 = root2 .. "ɲ"
local stem4 = root2 .. ".ɲi"
data.prons.pp = stem
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".d")
conj["clure"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "clu")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "clu")
if data.stem == "in" or data.stem == "trans" or data.stem == "oc" then
data.forms.pp = "clus"
data.notes = "This verb is one of a few verbs in ''-clure'' where the past participle is in ''-us(e)'' instead of ''-u(e)''."
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "clu")
local stem2 = stem .. "."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["braire"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "brai", "bray", "brai")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "braya")
local stem = pron(data.stem, true) .. "bʁɛ"
local stem2 = stem .. ".j"
local stem3 = stem .. ".ja"
local stem4 = stem .. "."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["clore"] = function()
data.notes = "* This verb is not conjugated in certain tenses."
data.forms.pp = "clos"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "clo", "clos")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "clôt"
data.forms.ind_p_1p = "—"
data.forms.ind_p_2p = "—"
data = m_core.make_ind_i(data, "—")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "—")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "clo")
local stem2 = stem .. ".z"
local stem3 = stem .. "z"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "clɔ") .. "."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["confire"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "confi", "confis")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "confi")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "confi")
local stem2 = stem .. ".z"
local stem3 = stem .. "z"
local stem4 = stem .. "."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
conj["coudre"] = function()
data.notes = "* This verb "
if data.stem ~= "" then
data.notes = data.notes .. "is conjugated like " .. link("coudre") .. ". That means it"
data.notes = data.notes .. " is conjugated like " .. link("rendre") .. ", except that its stem is ''{stem}coud-'' in only part of the conjugation. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Before endings that begin with vowels, the stem ''{stem}cous-'' (with a " .. IPA("/-z-/") .. " sound) is used instead; "
data.notes = data.notes .. "for example, ''nous'' " .. link("{stem}cousons") .. ", not ''*nous {stem}coudons''."
data.forms.pp = "cousu"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "coud", "cous")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "coud"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "cousi")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "cou",true)
local stem2 = stem .. ".z"
local stem3 = stem .. "z"
local stem4 = stem .. ".zi"
local stem5 = stem .. ".d"
data.prons.pp = stem2 .. "y"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem5)
conj["croire"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "croi", "croy", "croi")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "cru")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "croi")
local stem2 = stem .. ".j"
local stem3 = pron(data.stem .. "cru")
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".")
conj["croitre"] = function()
if data.stem == "" then
data.notes = "This verb takes an especially irregular conjugation, taking circumflexes in many forms, so as to distinguish from the forms of the verb " .. link("croire") .. "."
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "croî", "croiss")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "crû")
data.forms.ind_ps_1p = "crûmes"
data.forms.ind_ps_2p = "crûtes"
data.forms.sub_pa_3s = "crût"
data.notes = "This verb is conjugated like " .. link("croitre")
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "croi", "croiss")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "cru")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "croi")
local stem2 = stem .. ".s"
local stem3 = stem .. "s"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "cru")
local stem5 = stem .. ".t"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem5)
conj["croître"] = function()
if data.stem == "" then
data.notes = "This verb takes an especially irregular conjugation, taking circumflexes in many forms, so as to distinguish from the forms of the verb " .. link("croire") .. "."
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "croî", "croiss")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "crû")
data.notes = "This verb is conjugated like " .. link("croître")
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "croi", "croiss")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "croît"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "crû")
data.forms.ind_ps_1p = "crûmes"
data.forms.ind_ps_2p = "crûtes"
data.forms.sub_pa_3s = "crût"
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "croi")
local stem2 = stem .. ".s"
local stem3 = stem .. "s"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "cru")
local stem5 = stem .. ".t"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem5)
conj["foutre"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "foutu"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "fou", "fout")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "fouti")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "fou")
local stem2 = stem .. ".t"
local stem3 = stem .. "t"
local stem4 = stem .. ".ti"
data.prons.pp = stem .. ".ty"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["soudre"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "sous"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "sou", "solv")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "solu")
data = m_core.make_sub_pa(data, "—")
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "sou"),"u$","")
local stem = root .. "u"
local stem2 = root .. "ɔl.v"
local stem3 = root .. "ɔlv"
local stem4 = root .. "ɔ.ly"
local stem5 = root .. "u.d"
data.prons.pp = stem
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem5)
conj["voir"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "vu"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "voi", "voy", "voi")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "vi")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "verr")
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "vou"),"u$","")
local stem = root .. "wa"
local stem2 = root .. "wa.j"
local stem3 = root .. "ɛ."
local stem4 = root .. "i"
data.prons.pp = root .. "y"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem3)
conj["cevoir"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "çoi", "cev", "çoiv")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "çu")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "cevr")
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "ci"),"i$","")
local stem = root .. "wa"
local stem2 = root .. "ə.v"
local stem3 = root .. "wav"
local stem4 = root .. "y"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["battre"] = function()
if data.stem ~= "" then
data.notes = "*This verb is conjugated like " .. link("battre") .. ". That means it "
data.notes = "*This verb "
data.notes = data.notes .. "is conjugated like " .. link("vendre") .. ", " .. link("perdre") .. ", etc. (sometimes called the regular " .. link("-re") .. " verbs), "
data.notes = data.notes .. "except that instead of *''{stem}batt'' and *''{stem}batts'', "
data.notes = data.notes .. "it has the forms " .. link("{stem}bat") .. " and " .. link("{stem}bats") .. ". This is strictly a spelling change; "
data.notes = data.notes .. "pronunciation-wise, the verb is conjugated exactly like " .. link("vendre") .. "."
data.forms.pp = "battu"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "bat", "batt")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "bat"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "batti")
local root = pron(data.stem .. "ba")
local stem = root
local stem2 = root .. ".t"
local stem3 = root .. "t"
local stem4 = root .. ".ti"
data.prons.pp = root .. ".ty"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["circoncire"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "circonci", "circoncis")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "circonci")
data.forms.pp = "circoncis"
local stem = "siʁ.kɔ̃.si"
local stem2 = "siʁ.kɔ̃.si.z"
local stem3 = "siʁ.kɔ̃.siz"
local stem4 = "siʁ.kɔ̃.si"
local stem5 = "siʁ.kɔ̃.si."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem5)
conj["mettre"] = function()
if data.stem ~= "" then
data.notes = "* This verb is conjugated like " .. link("mettre") .. ". That means it "
data.notes = "* This verb "
data.notes = data.notes .. "is conjugated like " .. link("battre") .. " except that its past participle is " .. link("{stem}mis") .. ", "
data.notes = data.notes .. "not *''{stem}mettu'', and its past historic and imperfect subjunctive "
data.notes = data.notes .. "are formed with ''{stem}mi-'', not *''{stem}metti-''."
data.forms.pp = "mis"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "met", "mett")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "met"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "mi")
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "ma"), "a$", "")
local stem = root .. "ɛ"
local stem2 = root .. "ɛ.t"
local stem3 = root .. "ɛt"
local stem4 = root .. "i"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["prendre"] = function()
if data.stem ~= "" then
data.notes = "*This verb is conjugated on the model of " .. link("prendre") .. ". That means it is quite irregular, with the following patterns:\n"
data.notes = "*This verb is quite irregular, with the following patterns:\n"
data.notes = data.notes .. "**In the infinitive, in the singular forms of the present indicative, and in the future and the conditional, it is conjugated like " .. link("rendre") .. ", " .. link("perdre") .. ", etc. (sometimes called the regular " .. link("-re") .. " verbs).\n"
data.notes = data.notes .. "**In the plural forms of the present indicative and imperative, in the imperfect indicative, in the present subjunctive, and in the present participle, it is conjugated like " .. link("appeler") .. " or " .. link("jeter") .. ", using the stem ''{stem}prenn-'' before mute ‘e’ and the stem ''{stem}pren-'' elsewhere.\n"
data.notes = data.notes .. "**In the past participle, and in the past historic and the imperfect subjunctive, its conjugation resembles that of " .. link("mettre") .. "."
data.forms.pp = "pris"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "prend", "pren", "prenn")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "prend"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "pri")
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "pra"), "a$", "")
local stem = root .. "ɑ̃"
local stem2 = root .. "ə.n"
local stem3 = root .. "ɛn"
local stem4 = root .. "i"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["faire"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "fait"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "fai", "fais")
data.forms.ind_p_2p = "faites"
data.forms.ind_p_3p = "font"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "fi")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "fer")
data = m_core.make_sub_p(data, "fass")
data = m_core.make_imp_p_ind(data)
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "fa"), "a$", "")
local stem = root .. "ɛ"
local stem2 = root .. "ə.z"
local stem3 = root .. "i"
local stem4 = root .. "ə."
local stem5 = root .. "a.s"
local stem6 = root .. "as"
data.prons.ppr = stem2 .. "ɑ̃"
data.prons.pp = stem
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2)
data.prons.ind_p_2p = root .. "ɛt"
data.prons.ind_p_3p = root .. "ɔ̃"
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.sub_p(data, stem6, stem5)
data.prons.imp_p_2p = root .. "ɛt"
conj["boire"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "boi", "buv", "boiv")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "bu")
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "bi"),"i$","")
local stem = root .. "wa"
local stem2 = root .. "y.v"
local stem3 = root .. "wav"
local stem4 = root .. "y"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem .. ".")
conj["devoir"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "doi", "dev", "doiv")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "du")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "devr")
if data.stem == "" then
data.forms.pp = "dû"
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "doi")
local stem2 = pron(data.stem .. "de",true) .. ".v"
local stem3 = stem .. "v"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "du")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["avoir"] = function()
data.forms.ppr = "ayant"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "a", "av")
data.forms.ind_p_1s = "ai"
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "a"
data.forms.ind_p_3p = "ont"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "eu")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "aur")
data = m_core.make_sub_p(data, "ai")
data.forms.sub_p_3s = "ait"
data.forms.sub_p_1p = "ayons"
data.forms.sub_p_2p = "ayez"
data = m_core.make_imp_p_sub(data)
local root = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "a"),"a$","")
local stem = root .. "a"
local stem2 = root .. "a.v"
local stem3 = root .. "y"
local stem4 = root .. "o."
local stem5 = root .. "ɛ"
local stem6 = root .. "ɛ."
data.prons.ppr = stem6 .. "jɑ̃"
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2)
data.prons.ind_p_1s = root .. "e"
data.prons.ind_p_3p = root .. "ɔ̃"
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.sub_p(data, stem5, stem6)
data.prons.imp_p_2s = stem5
data.prons.imp_p_1p = stem6 .. "jɔ̃"
data.prons.imp_p_2p = stem6 .. "je"
conj["être"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "été"
data.forms.ppr = "étant"
data.forms.ind_p_1s = "suis"
data.forms.ind_p_2s = "es"
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "est"
data.forms.ind_p_1p = "sommes"
data.forms.ind_p_2p = "êtes"
data.forms.ind_p_3p = "sont"
data = m_core.make_ind_i(data, "ét")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "fu")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "ser")
data.forms.sub_p_1s = "sois"
data.forms.sub_p_2s = "sois"
data.forms.sub_p_3s = "soit"
data.forms.sub_p_1p = "soyons"
data.forms.sub_p_2p = "soyez"
data.forms.sub_p_3p = "soient"
data = m_core.make_imp_p_sub(data)
local root_s = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "sa"),"sa$","")
local root_e = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "é"),"e$","")
local root_f = mw.ustring.gsub(pron(data.stem .. "fa"),"fa$","")
local stem = root_e .. "ɛ"
local stem2 = root_e .. "e.t"
local stem3 = root_f .. "fy"
local stem4 = root_s .. "sə."
local stem5 = root_s .. "swa"
local stem6 = root_s .. "swa."
data.prons.ppr = stem2 .. "ɑ̃"
data.prons.pp = stem2 .. "e"
data.prons.ind_p_1s = root_s .. "sɥi"
data.prons.ind_p_2s = stem
data.prons.ind_p_3s = stem
data.prons.ind_p_1p = root_s .. "sɔm"
data.prons.ind_p_2p = stem .. "t"
data.prons.ind_p_3p = root_s .. "sɔ̃"
data = m_pron.ind_i(data, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.sub_p(data, stem5, stem6)
data.prons.imp_p_2s = stem5
data.prons.imp_p_1p = stem6 .. "jɔ̃"
data.prons.imp_p_2p = stem6 .. "je"
conj["estre"] = function()
for key,val in pairs(data.forms) do
data.forms[key] = mw.ustring.gsub(val, "[éê]", "es")
data.forms[key] = mw.ustring.gsub(data.forms[key], "û", "us")
data.forms[key] = mw.ustring.gsub(data.forms[key], "ai", "oi")
data.forms.pp = "esté"
data.forms.ind_ps_1p = "fumes"
data.forms.sub_pa_3s = "fust"
conj["naître"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "né"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "nai", "naiss")
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "naît"
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "naqui")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "nais")
local stem2 = stem .. ".s"
local stem3 = stem .. "s"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "naquis")
local stem5 = stem .. ".t"
data.prons.pp = pron(data.stem .. "né")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem5)
conj["naitre"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "né"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "nai", "naiss")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "naqui")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "nais")
local stem2 = stem .. ".s"
local stem3 = stem .. "s"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "naquis")
local stem5 = stem .. ".t"
data.prons.pp = pron(data.stem .. "né")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem5)
conj["envoyer"] = function()
data.notes = "*This verb is is one a few verbs that conjugate like " .. link("noyer") .. ", except in the future and conditional, where they conjugate like " .. link("voir") .. "."
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "envoi", "envoy", "envoy")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "enverr")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "envoi")
local stem2 = stem .. ".j"
local stem3 = pron(data.stem .. "envè") .. "."
data =, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem3)
conj["irreg-aller"] = function()
data.notes = "*The verb ''{stem}aller'' has a unique and highly irregular conjugation."
data = m_core.make_ind_p_e(data, "all")
data.forms.ind_p_1s = "vais"
data.forms.ind_p_2s = "vas"
data.forms.ind_p_3s = "va"
data.forms.ind_p_3p = "vont"
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "ir")
data = m_core.make_sub_p(data, "aill")
data = m_core.make_imp_p_ind(data)
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "a")
local stem2 = pron(data.stem .. "i")
local stem3 = pron(data.stem .. "vé")
stem3 = mw.ustring.gsub(stem3, ".$", "")
data =, stem .. "l", stem .. ".l")
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
data = m_pron.sub_p(data, stem .. "j", stem .. "j.")
data.prons.ind_p_1s = stem3 .. "ɛ"
data.prons.ind_p_2s = stem3 .. "a"
data.prons.ind_p_3s = stem3 .. "a"
data.prons.ind_p_3p = stem3 .. "ɔ̃"
data.prons.imp_p_2s = stem3 .. "a"
conj["dire"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "dit"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "di", "dis")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "di")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "di")
local stem2 = stem .. ".z"
local stem3 = stem .. "z"
local stem4 = stem .. "."
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
if data.stem == "" or data.stem == "re" then
data.forms.ind_p_2p = "dites"
data.prons.ind_p_2p = stem .. "t"
data.notes = "* This verb is one of a group of " .. link("-re") .. " verbs all ending in ''-dire''. "
data.notes = data.notes .. "They are conjugated exactly like " .. link("dire") .. ", "
data.notes = data.notes .. "but with a different second-person plural indicative present (that is, like " .. link("confire") .. "). "
data.notes = data.notes .. "Members of this group include " .. link(data.stem == "contre" and "dédire" or "contredire") .. " and "
data.notes = data.notes .. link(data.stem == "inter" and "dédire" or "interdire") .. "."
conj["vivre"] = function()
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "vi", "viv")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "vécu")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "vi")
local stem2 = stem .. ".v"
local stem3 = stem .. "v"
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "vécu")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem4)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem2)
conj["mourir"] = function()
data.forms.pp = "mort"
data = m_core.make_ind_p(data, "meur", "mour", "meur")
data = m_core.make_ind_ps(data, "mouru")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, "mourr")
local stem = pron(data.stem .. "meur")
local stem2 = pron(data.stem .. "mou") .. ".ʁ"
local stem3 = pron(data.stem .. "mouru")
local stem4 = pron(data.stem .. "mou") .. "."
data.prons.pp = pron(data.stem .. "mort")
data = m_pron.ind_p(data, stem, stem2)
data = m_pron.ind_ps(data, stem3)
data = m_pron.ind_f(data, stem4)
local function conjugate(typ)
data.forms.inf = typ
local future_stem = mw.ustring.gsub(data.forms.inf, "e$", "")
data = m_core.make_ind_f(data, future_stem)
if mw.ustring.match(typ,"^[^aeéiou]er$") and typ ~= "cer" and typ ~= "ger" and typ ~= "yer" then
elseif mw.ustring.match(typ,"^e[^aeiou]+er$") and typ ~= "ecer" and typ ~= "eger" and typ ~= "eyer" then
elseif mw.ustring.match(typ,"^é[^aeiou]+er$") and typ ~= "écer" and typ ~= "éger" and typ ~= "éyer" then
elseif alias[typ] then
data.stem = data.stem .. mw.ustring.gsub(typ, alias[typ], "")
data.forms.inf = alias[typ]
elseif conj[typ] then
elseif typ ~= "" then
error('The type "' .. typ .. '" is not recognized')
local function auto(pagename)
local stem = ""
local typ = pagename
while typ ~= "" do
if conj[typ] then break end
if alias[typ] then
stem = stem .. mw.ustring.gsub(typ,alias[typ].."$","")
typ = alias[typ]
stem = stem .. mw.ustring.gsub(typ,"^(.).*$","%1")
typ = mw.ustring.gsub(typ,"^.","")
if typ == "" then
return "",""
return stem,typ
local args = frame:getParent().args
local stem = args[1] or ""
local typ = args[2] or ""
if typ == "" then typ = stem; stem = ""; end
data = {
refl = false,
stem = stem,
aux = "avoir",
forms = {},
prons = {}
if stem .. typ == "" then
data.stem, typ = auto(PAGENAME)
elseif stem == "" and mw.ustring.find(PAGENAME, typ, 1, true) and mw.ustring.find(PAGENAME, typ, 1, true) == 1 and typ ~= PAGENAME then
data.stem = typ
typ = mw.ustring.sub(PAGENAME, mw.ustring.len(typ) + 1)
elseif stem == "" then
data.stem, typ = auto(typ)
data = m_core.extract(data, args)
if data.notes then data.notes = mw.ustring.gsub(data.notes, "{stem}", data.stem) end
for key,val in pairs(data.forms) do
if type(val) == "table" then
for i,form in ipairs(val) do
data.forms[key][i] = data.stem .. form
data.forms[key] = data.stem .. val
if args.refl and args.refl ~= "" then data = m_core.refl(data) end
if etre[data.forms.inf] then
data.aux = "être"
elseif avoir_or_etre[data.forms.inf] then
data.aux = "avoir or être"
if stem == "ressor" and type == "tir" then
data.aux = "avoir or être"
elseif stem == "dépar" and type == "tir" then
data.aux = "être"
data.forms.inf_nolink = data.forms.inf_nolink or data.forms.inf
data.forms.ppr_nolink = data.forms.ppr_nolink or data.forms.ppr
data.forms.pp_nolink = data.forms.pp_nolink or data.forms.pp
data =
local category = ""
if data.aux == "être" then
category = "[[Category:French verbs taking être as auxiliary]]"
elseif data.aux == "avoir or être" then
category = "[[Category:French verbs taking avoir or être as auxiliary]]"
if data.category then
category = category .. "[[Category:French verbs with conjugation " .. data.category .. "]]"
return m_core.make_table(frame, data) .. category
return export