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Module:documentation/entry name

Wiktionary වෙතින්

local export = {}

local function fake_frame(args, parent_args)
	return {
		args = args,
		getParent = function()
			return {
				args = parent_args,

function get_by_code(code)
	return require "Module:languages".getByCode(code, nil, false, true) or require "Module:scripts".getByCode(code)

local function get_code_from_title_without_namespace(title_without_namespace)
	local prefix = title_without_namespace:match("^(.+)%-entryname%f[/%z]")
	if not prefix then
		error("Base segment of title should end in -entryname: " .. title_without_namespace)
	local code = prefix
	local lang_or_family_or_script = get_by_code(code)
	return code, lang_or_family_or_script

function export.documentation(title_without_namespace, explanation)
	local code, lang_or_family_or_script = get_code_from_title_without_namespace(title_without_namespace)
	return export.documentation_from_code(code, explanation, title_without_namespace)

function export.documentation_from_code(code, explanation, title_without_namespace)
	local lang_or_family_or_script = get_by_code(code)
	if not lang_or_family_or_script then
		return "Language code in page name (<code>" .. code .. "</code>) not recognized."
	local category_name = lang_or_family_or_script:getCategoryName()
	local entry_name_input
	if lang_or_family_or_script:hasType("script") then
		entry_name_input = "text in the [[:Category:" .. category_name .. "|" .. category_name .. "]]"
	elseif lang_or_family_or_script:hasType("family") then
		entry_name_input = "text in one of the [[:Category:" .. category_name .. "|" .. category_name .. "]]"
	else -- language
		entry_name_input = "[[:Category:" .. category_name .. "|" .. category_name .. "]] text"
	return "This module will generate entry names for " .. entry_name_input
		.. (explanation and " " .. explanation or "")
		.. ". "
		.. require "Module:documentation".entryNameModuleLangList({args = { [1] = title_without_namespace:gsub("/documentation$", "") }})
		.. [=[

The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules.
To use it from a template, use <code>{{[[Template:entryname|entryname]]}}</code>.
Within a module, use [[Module:languages#Language:makeEntryName]].

For testcases, see [[Module:]=] .. title_without_namespace:gsub("/documentation$", "") .. [=[/testcases]].

== Functions ==
; <code>makeEntryName(text, lang, sc)</code>
: Generates an entry name for a given piece of <code>text</code> written in the script specified by the code <code>sc</code>, and language specified by the code <code>lang</code>.
: When entry name generation fails, returns <code>nil</code>.]=]
		.. require "Module:module categorization".categorize(fake_frame({
				is_template = "1",
				[1] = title_without_namespace,
			}, {
				[1] = code,

function export.documentation_template(frame)
	-- Parameters to {{entry name module documentation}}:
	-- |code|description
	-- Ignore code because we get it from the page name.
	local pagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	if args[1] and get_code_from_title_without_namespace(pagename) ~= args[1] then
		-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/entry name/input different from title]]
		require("Module:debug").track("entry name/input different from title")
	if args[1] then
		return export.documentation_from_code(args[1], args[2], pagename)
		return export.documentation(pagename, args[2])

return export
"https://si.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Module:documentation/entry_name&oldid=165328" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි