- පහත දැක්වෙන උපදෙස්, සැකිල්ල:cite-thesis/documentation හි පිහිටා ඇත. සැකිල්ල:cite-thesis/documentation]]. [සංස්කරණය]
- ප්රයෝජනවත් සබැඳි: උප පිටු ලැයිස්තුව • සබැඳි • යළි යොමු • transclusions • errors (parser/module) • sandbox (වෙනස)
This template is used to cite theses. It is implemented using {{cite-meta}}
(optional)- The year the thesis was published. If neither this parameter nor
is given, a message will be displayed requesting the date of publication. |author=
, ...|author5=
(optional)- Each
overrides the corresponding|lastN=
does not work. |title=
(required)- The title of the thesis.
(optional)- Defaults to Thesis.
(optional)- A URL or web address of a website where the full text of the thesis may be accessed.
(optional)- The page number (
) or range of pages (|pages=
) being cited. Use an en dash (–) to separate the page numbers in a range. |passage=
(optional)- A quote from the thesis. The quote will be formatted as a separate paragraph if it exceeds 150 words. This can be overridden (in either direction) by {{
(optional)- An English translation of the quote.
, ...|last5=
(optional)- The last names of each of the authors. Each
is overridden by the corresponding|authorN=
does not work. |first=
, ...|first5=
(optional)- The first names of each of the authors. Each
requires that the corresponding|lastN=
be given, and is overridden by the corresponding|authorN=
does not work. |coauthors=
(optional)- Additional authors to list after all of the ones given in
. |authorlink=
, ...|authorlink5=
(optional)- The names of English Wikipedia articles about each author. Do not include the
prefixes. |quotee=
(optional)- The name of the person being quoted, if the whole passage quoted is a quotation of someone other than the author.
(optional)- The title of the chapter being cited.
(optional)- A URL or web address of a website where the full text of the cited chapter can be accessed.
(optional)- The title of the entry being cited.
(optional)- A URL or web address of a website where the full text of the cited entry can be accessed.
(optional)- An English translation of the title of the cited chapter or entry.
(optional)- A semicolon-separated list of the translator(s) of the thesis.
(optional) or|editors=
(optional)- The name(s) of the editor(s) of the thesis.
(optional)- An English translation of the title of the thesis.
(optional)- The series the thesis belongs to.
(optional)- The volume number of the thesis within the series specified by
. |archiveurl=
(optional)- A URL or web address of an online archive where the thesis can be accessed.
(optional)- The date on which the archive specified by
was made. |edition=
(optional)- The edition number of the edition being cited.
(optional)- A semicolon-separated list of the locations where the book was published.
(optional)- The month in which the book was published.
(optional)- If
is used to specify the year when the original version of the thesis was published, this parameter indicates the year of publication of the cited version. |date=
(optional)- The date on which the book was published. The date is simply displayed as given, so any date format can be used, though YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD is recommended. If neither this parameter nor
is given, a message will be displayed requesting the date of publication. |genre=
(optional)- The language that the thesis is written in.
(optional)- The volume number of the cited volume.
(optional)- The issue number of the cited issue.
(optional)- Any other information about the thesis.
(optional)- The title of the cited section.
(optional)- A URL or web address of a website where the full text of the cited section may be accessed.
(optional)- A URL or web address of a website where the full text of the cited page may be accessed.
(optional) or|columns=
(optional)- The column number (
) or range of column numbers (|columns=
) being cited. Use an en dash (–) to separate the column numbers in a range. |columnurl=
(optional)- A URL or web address of a website where the full text of the cited column may be accessed.
(optional)- The bibcode of the thesis.
(optional)- The digital object identifier of the thesis.
(optional)- The International Standard Book Number of the thesis.
(optional)- The International Standard Serial Number of the thesis.
(optional)- The JSTOR number of the thesis.
(optional)- The Library of Congress Control Number of the thesis.
(optional)- The w:OCLC number of the thesis.
(optional)- The PubMed Identifier of the thesis.
(optional)- The Social Science Research Network number of the thesis.
(optional)- Another identifier for the book (not listed above).
(optional)- Used to override the default behaviour of formatting the quote as a separate paragraph if it exceeds 150 words. Valid values are no and yes.
See also